Good, Better, Best, and Amazing


3 trains and a bus describe our day of traveling to St. Gilgen in Austria. Oh what an adventure that was. Started out with the worst train, (heard that the Czechs make all the train cars, but choose to keep all the bad ones for themselves) so we got stuck in an uncomfortable train to start off with, the rushed to a better train for our next connecting, better chairs and less crowded. finally ended with the best train, all futuristic and above its time. TVs that gave the time, location, what the next stop was, nice seats, nice bathrooms, the works basically (that’s how Austria’s role). Then finished off the day in a bus headed to the beautiful, truly Austria town of St. Gilgen. All I can say is what a truly breathtaking view. It was indescribable. I would by a house here to stay in the summer just because it is so peaceful and relaxing. It is truly a blessing to be here and I can’t wait to explore more of this quaint little town SmileDSCN3336DSCN3337DSCN3338


Rain Rain Go Away


Mucha and Much-a to do-a