Rain Rain Go Away
Today we went into town, of Salzburg, and I do have to say it was a very cute place. Salzburg is a quaint, but bigger town than St. Gilgen, only an hour bus ride and a very beautiful view going each way.We hit the gardens up and took some crazy pictures with mini people (funny story, guess the prince who owned the palace was very angry at a lot of the people he had to work with or be around so he commissioned miniature statues and put the people he hated faces onto them, and all the rest of the normal statues had comical facial features to them).We headed to go get lunch at a cute Italian restaurant in the center of town and got to stop by the house that Mozart grew up in. Pretty awesome. I think Salzburg has character, and definitely has some good shopping as well. Mom and dad, found you some souvenirs
yummy tomato soup
apple strudel yummy
My view outside the window
Our cute hostelThe downfall of this little day trip into town was the rain. Rain was going all day, none stop. Feet wet, stores closed early, waiting for the bus for over an hour, in an out of restaurants to get warm, and finally getting warm on the bus, only to get out to the pouring cold rain that had finally hit St. Gilgen.Oh what a beautiful get-a-way, that is a little bit depressing in the rain. All I want to do is cuddle up in my bed and read a good book with some tea at my side.