Mucha and Much-a to do-a
Ooh how I love Mucha. We went to the Mucha museum today after a bit of a trek through Prague since the rail system is on strike today. Fun times... I actually don't mind walking around because you see more things and you get more recognized with the city better. So for anyone who does travel, WALK more! Know your surroundings!Wow do I love Alfonse Mucha, if I could have taken pictures of everything I wanted I would have. But, since I couldn't, I settled for postcards. I would have loved to buy a book of all his posters but it was too much. I think getting to see the prints in person was just enough for me. He was amazing. I was glad to have seen it and experience it because he was a print designer. Love :)Then we headed to lunch for delicious and cheap pizza because we were all hungry and we went in search past old city to find it. We found it and it was delicious.
Delicious bread and butter with garlic specks
Marco Polo pizza: eggs, broccoli, and chicken
Name of the restaurant: somewhere next to old now, have no idea what streetHeaded to a fashion museum later on in the day, with half of the group missing, and then went in search of the famous Frank Gehry building. Fred and Ginger... Dancing take a look:
Fred and Ginger building
Dinner tonight:
Sprite in a glass bottle!
Large salad with goat cheese and toasted bread
croquettesOff to St. Gilgen in the morning!