a walk through the old city
we began our journey through the metro station as usual and headed into the main section of town. We stopped in the main square and began our walk across the St. Charles bridge. But not after stopping at the famous clock on one of the old churches, that does a nice little number when it hits the top of the hour.The famous clock
I’ll upload a video onto facebook when I get the chance
St. Charles bridge water
Have the castle in my hands
We walked across a pretty famous bridge, which had amazing views and much to do and buy. I kept my money in my pocket
After we hit the end of the bridge we made our way up to the Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral was amazing. It was huge may I say, and the area was great to look at. We went inside of the church and walked around the building. The scenery was amazing, to die for.
He totally smiled when I looked at him
Look at the inside!!
Then lunch came, I’m coming to like European food, I can eat forever in Europe I think. If I was ever homeless, food would get me through this. Ha
Pork goulash and dumplings… yummy
Anywhos, my day is still going and I' am beat, don’t know if I’ll make it out tonight but we will see!
Well the bus system is going on strike tomorrow so everywhere we go have to walk! Gotta get on my comfortable shoes, its going to be even longer…