1st full day in Austria
Its my first full day in Austria and people were up by 6am. I have no idea why and I couldn’t sleep when everyone was moving around. I did have a good sleep though, and layed in bed for another hour while everyone else was moving around. We decided to head to the market to pick up some groceries and the pasty store for breakfast.As we were walking on the street, a man came up beside us and told me I had abeautiful figure haha gestures and all. Well that’s a nice compliment at 8am in the morning. I’ll take what I can get And I wasn’t even wearing a dress mom. Just capris and a tank, simple as can be. We headed to get a pasty, and a got a vanilla croissant, that tasted very delicious. It had vanilla crème filled inside and of course yummy croisant taste on top.Then we headed to the grocery store to by a couple snacks to hold us over for a few days. I got a pinapple drink, a famous apple ginger ale soda called (amdudler), a mango, some peach rings and lots of yogurt. I think I will be set for a couple days on snacks now.Well, well. What a long day it has been. And for most of you the day hasn’t even begun! Its about a quarter till 7 right now and I have been out touring the town since 10:30am.We first stopped at the famous St. Stephen’s square
, and walked up the famous 343 stairs to get to the top of the church. Ok, it may not seem like a lot to you but it is. I windy staircase followed by a very narrow and tiny staircase does not equal fun in my book! But we finally made it and boy can I say it was worth the view. We took some pictures, got relaxed and then headed back down. As we were walking back down, I can honestly say this was the funniest thing all day. These kids were walking up the stairs, complaining up a storm and cursing up a storm as well, haha caught one kid crawling up and he wasn’t even half way, but I didn’t have the heart to tell him. Haha but none the less way funny.
Got more gelato ice cream and headed in to see the catacombs of St. Stephens. Now, here is a little history, the catacombs house the cardinals of Vienna, as well as the organs of the famous Habsburgs dynasty (it is because every church in Vienna wanted to say they had a piece of the Habsburgs and decided it was easier to open up the body and split the ways that way), and of course catacombs of the “black plague” victims. This was morbid and say, these bodies were placed upon bodies, and just tossed underground, in smaller rooms so the bodies wouldn’t smell, and just anywhere and everywhere they could fit the bodies of the died.And so much hungry came over me, because I had been up those many stairs, and down in the depths, it was too much to take. So we headed to a restaurant where they serve some really good pizza. Decided to share it with a friend, and it didn’t turn out half bad. It was called the Benatali? Or something like that, it did have peppered beef, and green leaves (another name). A different yet delicious combination.
Then we headed around town, to be shown around the back ways, and the so called “Bermuda triangle” (where all the bars are and no one can ever seem to leave when they open), as well as the many stores and shops you would find in any national mall. Versace, Prada, Tiffany & Co., Burberry, etc. Walked to a flower garden and by then, everyone was getting very tired from walking all over the place. What a day what a day, and we didn’t even make it to the Hapsburg palace liked we had planned! Well, the day is done, my first day in Austria is winding down, I’m not sure about going out tonight, I could fall asleep till tomorrow morning and not even care.Fun fact: everyone in Vienna, probably Europe as a whole, drives a stick shift. And its either a Mazda, audio, Mercedes, fiat, smart car, a few old school Toyotas, bikes, and the subway of course. Here's a picture of the tight streets and parking…
Also, found my project to do, if we decide to do a show at the beginning of the school year. Its an interesting one that’s for sure.
Weird though, I don’t feel like I’m in another country yet. Its weird and different, like it hasn’t hit me yet that I am 8 hours time different away from my home, and in a totally different country. How does that happen?