Vatican City oh what big walls you have
We made our way to Vatican City today and Oh what big walls you have. Entering into the Vatican Museum side, we were quit confused at first as to where and what we were looking at, and to be honest, I wanted to get to the Sistine chapel as soon as possible to marvel at what was created. If you can, find a way to skip the boring Vatican Museum and go straight to the Sistine Chapel, you all know that’s what you want to see anyways. We entered through the small door to the right of the altar, I do have to admit, I was brought back to the Da Vinci Code movie?, and wanted to enter through the back doors facing towards the altar, and see the conclave in action, but sadly, my imagination had to settle down and focus on what I was seeing. It took Michelangelo 4 years to finish the fresco on the top, 1508-1012, and unlike many movies and depictions, Michelangelo did his work standing up, so picture yourself working underneath a car for around 5 minutes and see how heavy your arms get just doing that, Michelangelo did that for 4 years straight. His humanist ways are portrayed in each and every corner of this Sistine Chapel. As the creation of the world starts right at the altar, Michelangelo actually started from the end of creation with Noah’s Ark. The last judgment is right behind the altar depicting, Jesus’ last coming, Michelangelo was brought back after finishing the ceiling to do this wall. Pretty cool, I do have to say. :):Would insert pictures here…. but you’re not allowed to take pictures….Finding the exit was tiring, but it helped that the hallways were lined up with little stores, and exit signs. Once outside the Vatican walls, we decided to get gelato for our energy before heading to see the famous St. Peter’s Basilica. Walking around to the other side of the Vatican walls was a bit much, but once you re-entered Vatican City, it was easy to forget how much you walked to get here. Wow…. Vatican City you were blessed, the biggest church of Christendom, and you prove your point well. Standing in line as soon as we could to go inside the basilica, went faster than expected, but remember, you have to go through security as well as a dress code check before entering the Basilica, the dress code is so: no short shorts, and no shirts without sleeves, for everyone. Be prepared ahead of time. As soon as I walked through the massive doors I was awe-struck. I honestly did not expect it to be that huge, but it was bigger than I could have imagined. Wow did they “pray” big. I just kept pictured the Da Vinci Code movie and how it didn’t give this justice. I just know that when I head back to Rome, whenever that may be, I will make it a point to go see where St. Peter’s grave is located, and take a walk up to the Dome to see a great view of Rome and Vatican City. I was truly amazed at what Michelangelo had dreamed of, and what Bernini had finished. I’d advise to look up history on St. Peter’s basilica as well as Vatican City, just to learn about not just Catholic history, but Christian history as well, for those non-believers and believers alike. I’m glad to have seen such a wonder, and I do have to say, it's probably one of the top 10 sights in the world.
St. Peter’s Basilica
My second WOW moment
Holy Water fountain
Bernini’s Canopy above the altar, only used when the Pope does mass
the dove window apse
Right where St. Peter’s tomb is supposed to be… about 23 feet below are the bones
St. Peter bronze statue, rub his foot, like many pilgrims have before you
the holy door’s backside, rubbed by pilgrims as well
The holy door, opened every 25 years on Christmas Eve… next time 2024
Amazing!!!Went to see the Pantheon at night
excited and sad for my last day in Rome tomorrow though… should be exciting whatever we do!