What happens after dark

DSCN3176Banana split. We all went out for one of the girls birthday’s last night, and we all got some good stuff. I got a banana split. It was delicious.Prater amusement park… most awesome playground and fun park every thought of. If I understood German I would have been on every ride, (and if they didn’t cost any money). But to be honest the view at night was amazing and so worth the time to get there. Amy and I walked around to check out the rides and were amazing by some. We stood in front of one for about 10 minutes trying to figure out what was going on.DSCN3180Amy, Darci, and I went out to the Prater to go check out this famous fairs wheel. It was beautiful at nightDSCN3181With the full moon beside it… Smile breathtaking…Great ending to my night. I wish everyone that I love could have been here to enjoy it with me


Green gardens and Danube water


4 S’s: Short, Sweet, Stuffed, and Surreal