Travel maps n' guides n' more
Wow... In about 2 1/2 weeks I'll be gone in another country. Time has gone by so fast. I'm ecstatic, nervous, hungry, and ready!I haven't even started packing yet!! Because I don't know where to start!! There's still so much to go over and things to get organized before I leave.So far... I have a pile of small things that my mom bought me and I have nothing else put together. I have lists upon lists of things to be packed, but haven't gotten to the packing yet.... procrastination has hit... oops :)
But I did buy things :) (I've realized I'm good at this)
So this is what I got: well, my mother, who went a bit crazy on calling cards, and buying an international phone. But its all because she will miss me :) Miss you too mom. So, I'll let you know how the international cell phone works and calling cards internationally as well. Its all new to me. And If you need to text me, well... good luck. I'll have different phone numbers for both the international and american phones, so only the important people will be able to reach me :) anywhos phones galore ha and talking! You can still skype me though if you absolutely need me or facebook me like normal people :)and this:
for my side trip with my girls :) Maps and Maps and another one on the way. I'm reading all about Italy and what you need to know as being a tourist from Rick Steve's, a great read and very informational. Anyone who is traveling should read this. I've learned a lot about hostels, hotels, restaurants next to major landmarks, what ticket prices are for museums, how to best order them, transportation, and much much more. Plus I'll have maps as well, so we won't get too lost on our adventures :) Don't worry mom got it all covered :)